Workshop Presented to Kilkenny CEB Clients Tuesday 29th Sept 2009
- The presentation:
Social Media And BusinessView more documents from keithbohanna.
- Good Social Media Guides
Facebook Guide to Pages (links directly to pdf)
IIA Guide - members only - link is to press release about same
- Pat Fitzgeralds Links
His twitter account
The Ballad of..., My back 40 feet..., Life in the Balcony
- Anne Neary Links
Her twitter account
You Tube Social Media Clip (shown at beginning)
Email newletters
Older Resources: Guides to Business Blogging, Irish
The Irish Internet Association's Social Media Working Group have published a draft of their guide to business blogging. Have a look at the comments to see some of the areas of discussion on this topic.
Damien gets the use of social media like no-one else in Ireland and in this post he allows people to download his guide to online marketing.
Not a guide, but a list of Top 100 Irish Blogs according to Technorati (one of the older blog search engines)
Not a guide either - but a list of great blogs from the 2009 blog awards
Guides to Business Blogging, Global
Guide to various aspects of business blogging from one of the pioneering blogging platforms
Simple Yahoo guide for their own bloggers
US Air Force internal guide on how to assess the appropriate response to blog discussions
IBM's internal blogging guidelines
Relevant Podcasts
Enterprise Ireland did a great podcast with Roseanne Smith from the Irish Internet Association and Damien Mulley. Take a listen to it, a great intro to the topic.