Twitter is a medium where sharing is easy (at least with the right tools) and when I am browsing my blog feeds in the mornings I use the iPhone app MobileRSS (very, very buggy) to share out to my twitter account (@keithbohanna). I also retweet ontopic items.
@pricingright Use of Information Priors in A/B Testing: Full post here
Rags Srinivasan works in the field of marketing strategy and pricing. You may not agree with him all of the time but his posts are good. This one tackles a particular part of A/B testing
@VentureBeat - Guidelines for potential angel investors Full post here > having been on the receiving end this post is good
An experienced angel investor, Will Herman, who has 30 completed investments to date since 1994, shares his learning to other Angels.
@spiderworking 4 Great Facebook landing pages: Full post here
From Amanda Webb comes this post on Facebook landing pages she likes - and a 50% off offer on building one for your business
@readwriteweb - The Startup Toolkit: A Canvas For You to Sketch Your Business Framework Full post here > based on Steve Blanks approach
A deceptively simple implementation of a tool for helping startups get their head around the key elements of their business model. Borrows liberally from Steve Blanks "The Four Steps to Epiphany"
GTD Times - Things and OmniFocus for GTD Full post here > are you on Mac and want to get a GTD tool? Indepth on 2 of the contenders
For GTD wannabe's this post compares two of the more popular software tools on the Mac platform - Things and Omnifocus. I've tried both and Omnifocus is my preferred choice.
@ioninteractive Conversion Rate Optimization Gurus to Follow on Twitter (separating the amateurs from the experts) Full post here
I have followed each of them but not reading for long enough to judge how good their streams are. However this appears to be a treasure trove of wisdom for those of us who have a professional interest in this topic
StartupCFO : Mark MacLeod - SaaS pricing: Push your base version Full post here > throwing cold water in 37signals direction
Pricing guidance is always of use - Mark is an experienced CFO and he shares some of his experience here
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