UPDATE - the google doc was published by muppet here with no sharing, it has now!
Embarrassed by how late this is and thought I had better get it up before the date for the next bizcamp.ie is announced (which it will be very soon).
Bizcamp along with the majority of other **camps is a volunteer and not-for-profit or gain effort and in keeping with that we as a group agreed to share the full details of the budget, believing in the need for transparency around this as part of the ethos which make these days special.
This link is to a spreadsheet with all that information on it - it is deliberately spent down to the last euro or two because having no surplus is the easiest way to account for these one-off events.
It should be noted that all transactions (except for the Enterprise Ireland e400 which went directly on t-shirts and coffee/tea/sandwiches) went via the IIA bank account. As each camp is organised by an ad-hoc group there is no entity and therefore no bank account. It was great to have the use of the IIA one.
any questions on this happy to answer them.
Well done Keith, setting down a marker for all Barcamps.
Posted by: James Corbett | February 04, 2010 at 07:32