from a venturebeat post by Bruce Judson entitled: The start-up chronicles: My Website’s not working: Now what?
In undertaking this effort, I made the decision to look hard at two different types of sites: (which, from a broad perspective, offers a service similar to ours) and (which is in an unrelated industry).
Here’s what I learned from them:
1. At both sites, visitors know exactly what each service does and how it works within the first 10 seconds of landing. While these sites may offer complex services under the hood, they hide that. The user experience is straightforward.2. Both sites move the user forward with a growing sense of anticipation. Prospects grow curious about “what happens next”. This is unquestionably difficult, but it may be the key to success. Creating curiosity among today’s jaded consumers is a monumental feat.
I liked the post a lot - it is worth a read for anyone who grapples with the complexity of webservice design and build processes.
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