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November 09, 2008


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Just repeating my earlier thumbs up for the idea. Would love to attend a BizCamp as myself and Daragh Doyle have also been floating the idea of a SocialCamp which might make a interesting siter Camp so to speak. Of course I'd also try to rope in some Social Entrepreneurs I know for a talk at BizCamp.

I would love to be involved and get this off the ground.


Great idea. I'd love to help so if we can get a few more people we're off. I have a few sponsors in mind.

I would definitely be on for Bizcamp, sounds like a great idea.


Great idea Keith
I would be very interested in attending

Fantastic idea Keith. I think there's a huge market for this as it really opensup the Barcamp unconference format to people who aren't technical.

I'm in to help get this organised and off the ground and I can certainly bring 3/4 pretty decent sponsors with me.

In South East or elsewhere I'm happy to go with whatever's decided

Email me [email protected] and lets kick off. :)

Thanks for the ongoing feedback. Will action this within 2 weeks and start the buildup :-)


Definitely sounds like a great idea for a camp and I'd be interested in getting involved.

Rgds, Dave

Absolutely. Will help wherever needed and not just with chocolate! :P

I think this is a great idea and it's something that I think would be of great use to people in the current climate. Lots of exposure to real stories with the chance to ask questions and not a day of being lectured at.

I'd be glad to help out. I've leached enough info from Podcamp, OpenCoffee, Barcamp etc that it's time I got involved.

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