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August 03, 2008


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It was great to see your own blog photo used in the article Keith - just goes to show the value of having a good profile pic. And wow.... what a team you guys are assembling!

@James. The team is key. And thanks to Claire Wilson (gingerpixel.com) for the photo.


Well done Keith :)

Delighted to see you getting the right attention, and look forward to seeing you up and running.

Hopefully paths will cross again in the not-to-distant future as I'd love to shoot the breeze on your experiences with all this.


Look forward to that Richard ;)


Delighted to things coming along and looking forward to the eventual launch. Must get a catch-up chat about things!

just spotted you through Damien Mulley. Congrats having Gerry McQuaid on board. He is a very popular and talented individual.

@Ken - call in for coffee. or take me out :-)

@Paul - thanks for your comment. Yes he is!


Congrats! Got the link via Mulley, it's bril to see you guys settling into print media - best of luck with the first round!

@MJ - thanks for that. a tiny bit done, bloody loads left to do ;-)


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