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August 23, 2007


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*blush*, thanks Keith! And congratulations! Well deserved.

BTW, you *need* to get on Twitter.... and Jaiku.... er, and Facebook :-)

hiya James, like a hole in the head. I cannot keep up with my core stuff :-)


Way to go Keith, congratulations. And thats a really great photo of yourself, the smile gives the blog a lift.

Nice one Keith!

Thanks for the mention.

Well done Keith and thanks for the mention.

Congratulations Keith on getting a well deserved "Featured blog" from Six Apart.
Well done. You've always been A-List in my book. Get yerself on twitter already !

Congrats Keith!

Once again Keith does it with style and doesn't bask in his new traffic surge but instead insists his new visitors check out the work of other people. The mark of a noble man. Typepad picked well.

what damien said! very cool keith! and i can say i knew you when :-)

"I cannot keep up with my core stuff"

You and me both! But the key thing with Twitter is not to treat is not to treat it like an inbox. Instead think of it more as background chatter, or 'social ambiance' as Chris Messina so eloquently put it. You can dip in and out like you'd go to the watercooler at work. It's just very very nice, especially for those of us working independently, to be able to socialize like that. And just as at a physical watercooler while the conversation *can* be mindless gossip it can also impart very useful information. I've noticed a lot of people forgoing ordinary blog posts in favour of micro-blogposts (as we call them on twitter and jaiku) but still sharing very useful information. And because the social networking bit is built-in you can also make some great connections.

Hope I'm not sounding like a shill ;-)

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