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August 07, 2007


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Best of luck in the election. You got our vote :)


Thanks Michele. Hopefully I have Brian's too :-)


which brian?

Keith - good luck too- and of course thank you for the nomination.

Wow! There are some quality people running for IIA board membership. This bodes well for the industry.

Thanks Krishna and Bernie. Appreciated.


Good luck! I'd definitely vote for you... if I was a member.

Have you not already served your maximum three years???

I'll have to rejoin just to vote for you.


Do non-members get half votes?! Your memory going Jan - I got out after 2 :-)


If I was a member I'd vote for you Keith,
It would be good to see some representation for those outside of Dublin. It is certainly a changed organisation since the bad old days of the dot.bomb era. IIA is becoming more relevant by the day. Good luck with the election.

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