Hosting365 are the proud owners of one of the most sought after domain names ever - (Ever as in the last week or so. In Ireland. Specifically the bit of Ireland that blogs)
On Thursday I will be presenting IT@Cork with a cheque/bank draft for €366.95 - thanks to Stephen McCarron in Hosting 365, Michele in irishlinuxhosting and for their participation.
PS - I have just checked my emails to see where I purchased the domain from so I am ready to transfer it to hosting365 and ironically I bought it from them - I wonder can they save me the bother and just hack in and take it? :-)
PPS - that was a joke. I am not aware of any instances, or allegations of instances, where hosting365, register365, any businesses associated with them, or their employees have hacked into, or otherwise gained access unlawfully, or unethically, to a enduser account of any of said businesses either in the past, present or future.
thanks guys, much appreciated.
Posted by: Tom Raftery | June 05, 2006 at 10:51
Nice to see that you were able to raise so much money :)
Regarding the domain - it's already in their account, so all they have to do is update the registrant details
Posted by: Michele | June 05, 2006 at 13:22
Hi Keith,
Think that's gotta be a first - a hosting company buying a domain from someone that paid them for it originally!
Anyway ... we're happy to support IT@Cork ... I was at the event (sorry to have missed you!) and it was very well run and enjoyable.
Posted by: Ed Byrne | June 10, 2006 at 12:33
Hi Ed
We will catch up with each other at a future event :-) I was networking as much as I could but struggled because I know few of the faces of my fellow bloggers and so was coming in cold.
Posted by: keith bohanna | June 11, 2006 at 21:01