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May 30, 2006


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Keith, this is a very worthwhile issue to consider. It drives me nuts when I can't easily find the price plans corresponding to a trial registration. So if a site doesn't offer a "free for life" service then yes, Price Plans needs to be a top level navigational element.

On the other hand, is a "free for life" service is available then I'd say there is no need at all to dedicate a a valuable navigational space to Price Plans.

Thanks for that James. We backpacked this amongst ourselves and came to the same conclusion - a strong home page "free for life" message is what we need to work on.


I'd say to include it as a heading. You can make it clear on the front page, and on the pricing page, whether you're offering a 30-day freebie, or a free-for-life, but it always helps to have an idiot proof root to pricing.

As a top level heading, it would be available throughout the site I assume too (eg during a "tour" or something)?

Thanks for that Damien. It goes against the early conclusion we had come to - and picks up on a weakness in our thinking. That is the home page dependency that we would have. Must think some more.


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